Monday, August 9, 2010

Turning One

Brig's turned 1 on August 1, but we celebrated July 31.

We had lots of fun, even though Brigston wasn't too sure about what was going on.

He usually is a big eater so I was so excited about letting him have his own cake. He wasn't interested at all. He was playing in it but would spit it out every time we put some in his mouth.
We ended up going to Gardener's Village after the park and went to the petting zoo. The kids had a lot of fun. They all even enjoyed the pony rides.I really didn't know how I would react to my baby turning one, but things went pretty well. I love the fact that he is getting big because he is so much fun. We are seeing new things on a daily basis now and I'm just anxious to see what Brig's loves next.

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