Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Christmas in Nephi is still really fun because of my eight year old sister. Santa comes to everyone and we were up that morning before 5 AM. My parents even get into it!!!
Santa also brought Clint and I a few extra presents that we will be needing this year. Can you believe it!! Santa knows everything. If everything goes well we will add a new addition to our family in July.

This is how pretty we all look Christmas morning!!! Talesha my 15 year old sister is on the couch and Taylee actually hung out with us on Christmas. She usually is too busy with school and her BETTER social life.


raquelb said...

AHH! Congrats Britt! I'm so excited for you! Looks like everything is going well.

Vance Family of 5 said...

CONGRATS! I'm so excited for you. Glad you had a good Christmas!

Hali said...

Congrats on the new addition! I didn't realize you were a blogger...happened across this via Melissa's. Glad all is going well for you guys. If you'll shoot me your email address, I'll send you a blog invite. Fun to see what's going on in your life! Take care.

Anonymous said...

Hey Brit-
I'm so glad I found your blog!How are you and your hubby? Also CoNgRaTs on your little bundle of JOY how exciting. Send me your email adress so I can invite ya to our Blog. Cant wait to hear from you.