Wednesday, December 31, 2008


This is Stratton. He is getting so BIG. Some how we got this funny picture! He was having a blast in all the wrapping paper and toys.
Do you love Clint's Shirt? Yeah, no one told me about his obsession with The Christmas Story at Christmas time. He had to wear that shirt all day long. Well at least it's only once a year.

He was so excited. For Christmas, due to bad mailing routes, half of his tool box I had ordered for him came to the house about a week early. His parents got us a lot of tools and equipment so he couldn't wait to get home and put everything in it's place. **Plus maybe this way I will be able to find things when I need them**.

This is Grandma and Grandpa Farrell at their house Christmas day. Clint's family is big, but everyone still gets together for a fun time.


Sean and Hollee said...

Oh my heck that is such a funny picture! I love it! I love my cute little stink! I don't want to make you feel bad or anything but you spelled stratten's name wrong. I am so excited for the new addition. Now if we can just get a sweet little baby for our sister.

Grammy said...

I'm looking so forward for the bigger present this july whats that saying everyone uses christmas in july hope your feeling well

Tiffany Noyes said...

Hey buddy looks like a fun Christmas to me. I am so excited you're prego :) yay! keep me posted.

Josh, Darci, & Ainsley Bentley said...

Hey Brit!
How are you? I was just blog stalking....and found yours...hope you dont mind:) You are so cute, and congrats on being married too!! Im glad that I found you on here!!
Darci (Maxwell) Bentley

Josh, Darci, & Ainsley Bentley said...

Oh BTW (im a little slow) CONGRATS on being preggo!!! YAY its so exciting, you'll love being a mommy and you'll be a great one!!

Lynley and Levi said...

Hey, since our weddings were right on top of each other, I want to wish you a super late congrats! Also, congrats on your later-in-the-year addition to the family!! I found your blog through hali...thats right, i stalked you. Hope all is well.